Patient influence on safe medicine practice.

When a patient goes to a clinician, (s)he is often asked to fill a form. The form has many questions including age (date of birth), weight, height, allergies, any present or past illnesses, any disease states, current or past medications, medical history of immediate relatives, social habits as alcohol and smoking, etc. It seems like too much information being given out, right? It is for your own good. Let’s see how.

This information provides the clinician an overview of what is happening or happened in the past with your body. It will determine what new labs would be needed for any additional diagnosis or establishing base line for short term and long term goals.

The medical history of the immediate relatives would provide a picture of one’s genetic makeup and how likely the patient may have a genetic disease. Furthermore, there are options of genetic testing to back this up.

Once diagnosis is confirmed, medications are prescribed. The age, weight, height, allergies along with the other clinical information will assist in selecting appropriate medications to treat the condition.

It is also important to share the information with all the clinicians that a patient sees. It impacts the treatment of multiple conditions that one has. Example, a patient with diabetes, hypertension and asthma must share information with his or her general physician or primary care physician, endocrinologist (for diabetes), and a pulmonologist (if needed for uncontrolled asthma and complications). Especially, if they are based out of different clinics.

The entire information packet shared with your clinician (doctor or a pharmacist) thus prevents any adverse effects from happening by careful selection of medications for treating the condition(s). This is one of the ways a patient can help in practicing safe medicine.

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